国立極地研究所 2018年12月4日 - 12月7日 第9回極域科学シンポジウム / The Ninth Symposium on Polar Science 国立極地研究所 2018年12月4日 - 12月7日 第9回極域科学シンポジウム / The Ninth Symposium on Polar Science
Interdisciplinary Sessions

[ID] Polar science developed by leading-edge analytical technology~Beyond the micro meters and micro grams~

The recent developments of analytical technology has allowed us to acquire data with high precision and high resolution from microscale targets in many scientific field. Targets with small size and/or small amount can produce valuable information. Nowadays, we have a chance to access that information. The scientific methods for processing the samples properly, extracting information from it and applying the information to various field can make a breakthrough in natural science as well as the polar science.
In this session, “microscale” is focused on. The conveners would like delegates from any fields to talk about and discuss laboratory techniques for investigating any subjects in microscale, such as samples, textures, trace elements and isotopes, with high precision and resolution and/or application of the techniques for natural science as well as polar science. The conveners also intend to provide the delegates the opportunities to share the information of applicable techniques for each their own field and to start new collaborative works.

Date :
Thu. 6 December 2018
Place :
3F Seminar room, National Institute of Polar Research
Convener :
Mami Takehara, Tomokazu Hokada, and Ryosuke Makabe (NIPR)