大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立極地研究所

Interdisciplinary session
[IG] Giant reservoirs of heat/water/materials : Global environmental changes driven by the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic Ice Sheet
分野横断セッション [IG] 全球環境変動を駆動する南大洋・南極氷床

The Southern Ocean and Antarctic ice sheet, which are the giant reservoirs of heat, water, and materials, have a potential to play central roles in long-term Earth's climate and ecosystem changes. This system is composed of the following sub-systems; ice shelf which is a place of the interaction of ice sheet and ocean, flowing iceberg, seasonal sea ice zone, Antarctic bottom water which drives the thermohaline circulation, active biological production and Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

These sub-systems are interacted with each other and have significant impact on changes in the global environmental system. This session aim to summarize recent observational and simulation studies from various fields relating to the past and present changes in the Antarctic Ice sheet and ocean circulation in the Southern Ocean which is essential element for unraveling the changes in the Erarth's climate system, and discuss future science plans for understanding of the environmental changes of the Antarctic Cryosphere.

Conveners : Yoshifumi Nogi (NIPR), Minoru Ikehara (Kochi Univ.), Keiichiro Ohshima (Hokkaido Univ.), Kenji Kawamura (NIPR), Takeshi Tamura (NIPR)



Oral presentations (09:30 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30)

Date : Tue. 17 Nov.
Place : 2F Auditorium, National Institute of Polar Research
口頭発表会場:極地研究所 2階 大会議室

Chair : Yusuke Suganuma (NIPR)
09:30 - 09:45 Integrated multidisciplinary study on change in the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic ice sheet *Yoshifumi NogI (NIPR), Kay I Ohshima (ILTS), Minoru Ikehara (Core Center, Kochi Univ.), Masato Moteki (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), Kenji Kawamura (NIPR), Yoichi Fukuda (Kyoto Univ.), Ayako Abe-Ouchi (AORI, Univ. of Tokyo), Takeshi Tamura (NIPR), Yusuke Suganuma (NIPR)
南大洋・南極氷床変動の解明に向けた分野融合研究 *野木義史(極地研)、大島慶一郎(低温研)、池原実(高知大コアセンター)、茂木正人(東京海洋大)、川村賢二(極地研)、福田洋一(京都大)、阿部彩子(東大大気海洋研)、田村岳史(極地研)、菅沼悠介(極地研)
09:45 - 10:00 Dynamics of thermohaline and material circulations originating from Antarctic Bottom Water *Kay I. Ohshima, Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai, Yujiro. Kitade, Katsuro Katsumata, Yasushi Fukamachi, Takeshi Tamura, Shigeru Aoki
南極底層水を起点とする熱塩循環・物質循環のダイナミクス *大島慶一郎(北大低温研)、川合美千代(海洋大)、北出裕二郎(海洋大)、勝又勝郎(JAMSTEC)、深町 康(北大低温研)、田村岳史(極地研)、青木 茂(北大低温研)
10:00 - 10:15 Dynamics of Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Weddell Gyre and sea ice coverage: To understand the interaction between Southern Ocean variability and global climate change *Minoru Ikehara (Kochi Univ.)
南極周極流・ウェッデルジャイアと海氷移流のダイナミクス:南大洋変動と全球気候変動との相互作用の解明に向けて *池原 実(高知大)
10:15 - 10:30 Integrating studies of Southern Ocean ecosystems: the black box beneath the sea ice needs to be opened *Masato Moteki (TUMSAT, NIPR), Tsuneo Odate (NIPR, SOKENDAI)
南大洋生態系に関する統合的研究 ~海氷下のブラックボックスを開けるために~ *茂木正人(海洋大・極地研)、小達恒夫(極地研・総研大)
10:30 - 10:45 Introduction of research project ’’Variations and interactions of Antarctic ice sheet and climate’’ *Kenji Kawamura (NIPR, SOKENDAI, JAMSTEC), Shin Sugiyama (ILTS, Hokkaido University)
研究計画「南極氷床と気候の変動及び相互作用」の紹介 *川村賢二(極地研・総研大、JAMSTEC)、杉山 慎(北大低温研)
10:45 - 11:00 Interaction of the solid Earth and the Antarctic ice sheet *Yoichi Fukuda (Kyoto Univ.), Koichiro DoI (NIPR), Yuichi Aoyama (NIPR), Yusuke Suganuma (NIPR), Jun’ichi Okuno (NIPR), Kazuki Nakamura (Nihon Univ.), Heitaro Kaneda (Chiba Univ.)
固体地球と氷床の相互作用 *福田洋一(京大院理)、土井浩一郎(極地研)、青山雄一(極地研)、菅沼悠介(極地研)、奥野淳一(極地研)、中村和樹(日大工学部)、金田平太郎(千葉大院理)
11:00 - 11:15 Prospectives on integrated modeling of Antarctic ice sheet, ocean and climate *Abe-Ouchi Ayako (AORI U-Tokyo), Yoshimori M. (Hokudai), Ralf G.(Hokudai), Saito F. (JAMSTEC), Oka a (AORI), Yoshimura K.(AORI)
南極南大洋の統合的モデリング:研究展望 *阿部彩子(東大)、吉森正和(北大)、グレーベラルフ(北大)、斎藤冬樹(JAMSTEC)、岡顕(東大)、芳村 圭(東大)
11:15 - 11:30 The prospect of the observation around the unexplored area in the Southern Ocean *Yoshifumi NogI (NIPR), Shigeru AokI (ILTS), Takeshi Tamura (NIPR)
南極海の未探査領域観測へ向けて *野木義史(極地研)、青木 茂(低温研)、田村岳史(極地研)
11:30 - 12:00 [Invited] Atmosphere-ocean changes in the Pacific Southern Ocean over the past 1 Million years and implications for global climate *Frank Lamy (AWI)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
Chair: Kenji Kawamura (NIPR)
13:00 - 13:30 [Invited] Is a warming of the Antarctic continental shelf reversible? *Hartmut H. Hellmer (AWI), Frank Kauker (AWI), Ralph Timmermann (AWI)
13:30 - 13:45 New insights from a laminated high sedimentation rate Holocene record from the East Antarctic margin (IODP Site U1357). *Francisco J. Jimenez-Espejo1, Johan Etourneau2, Robert Dunbar3, Ariadna Salabarnada4, Uwe Morgenstern5, Masako Yamane 1,6, Carlota Escutia4, Naohiko Ohkouchi1, Xavier Crosta2, G. Mass*7, Yusuke Yokoyama6. 1Depart. Biogeochemistry, JAMSTEC, Japan 2EPHE, UMR 5805 EPOC, University of Bordeaux, Talence, France 3Stanford University, Stanford, USA 4IACT, CSIC-UGR, Armilla, Granada, Spain 5Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand 6Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan 7UMI Takuvik, Canada
13:45 - 14:00 Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) as a chronological tool for Antarctic margin sediments: An update *Naohiko Ohkouchi (JAMSTEC), Yusuke Yokoyama (AORI, Univ Tokyo), Masako Yamane (AORI, Univ Tokyo), Hisami Suga (JAMSTEC), Toshi Nagata (AORI, Univ Tokyo), Timothy I. Eglinton (ETH)
14:00 - 14:15 Phasing between Deuterium records at Dome Fuji and Dome C in Antarctica over the past 216 kyr *S. Fujita (NIPR, SOKENDAI), F. Parrenin (CNRS, LGGE, Univ. of Alpes, France), M. Severi (University of Florence, Italy), H. Motoyama (NIPE, SOKENDAI) and E. Wolff (University of Cambridge, UK)
14:15 - 14:30 Antarctic ice shelves’ basal melting under LGM and doubled CO2 climate *Takashi Obase (AORI), Ayako Abe-OuchI (AORI), Kazuya Kusahara (ACECRC), Hiroyasu HasumI (AORI)
氷期および温暖気候下の南極棚氷底面融解の変動 *小長谷貴志(東大大気海洋研)、阿部彩子(東大大気海洋研)、草原和弥(ACECRC)、羽角博康(東大大気海洋研)
14:30 - 14:45 A mechanism for the quasi-periodic breakup of multi-year landfast ice caused by limitation of thickening under heavy snow condition *Shuki Ushio (NIPR)
多雪域における沿岸定着氷の成長限界に起因する海氷の準周期的崩壊 *牛尾収輝(極地研)
Chair : Keiichiro Ohshima (Hokkaido Univ.)
15:00 - 15:15 Research of Ocean-ice BOundary InTeraction and Change around Antarctica (ROBOTICA) *Shigeru Aoki (ILTS), Takeshi Tamura (NIPR), Team ROBOTICA
東南極における海洋‐海氷‐氷床システムの相互作用と変動の解明 *青木 茂(低温研)、田村岳史(極地研)、チームROBOTICA
15:15 - 15:30 Surface water modification by advection of a 100-m scale iceberg *K. Katsumata (JAMSTEC) and H. Uchida (JAMSTEC)
100m規模の氷山の移流に伴う表層水の変動 *勝又勝郎(海洋研究開発機構)、内田 裕(海洋研究開発機構)
15:30 - 15:45 Rapid and persistent freshening of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Australian-Antarctic Basin *Keishi Shimada (TUMSAT), Yujiro Kitade (TUMSAT), Kohei Mizobata (TUMSAT), Shigeru AokI (ILTS), Kay I. Ohshima (ILTS), Takeshi Tamura (NIPR), Tsuneo Odate (NIPR)
豪州南極海盆における南極底層水の急速かつ持続的な低塩分化 *嶋田啓資(海洋大)、北出裕二郎(海洋大)、溝端浩平(海洋大)、青木 茂(低温研)、大島慶一郎(低温研)、田村岳史(極地研)、小達恒夫(極地研)
15:45 - 16:00 Sea ice production variability in the Antarctic coastal polynyas *Takeshi Tamura (NIPR)、Kay I. Ohshima (ILTS)、Alex D. Fraser (ILTS)、Guy D. Williams (ACE CRC)
南極沿岸ポリニヤにおける海氷生産量の年変動 *田村岳史(極地研)、大島慶一郎(低温研)、Alex D. Fraser(低温研)、Guy D. Williams(ACE CRC)
16:00 - 16:15 Role of Antarctic Circumpolar Current in decadal climate variability over southern Africa *Yushi Morioka (JAMSTEC), Francois Engelbrecht (CSIR, South Africa), and Swadhin K. Behera (JAMSTEC)
16:15 - 16:30 Coherent approach on radial oscillation indexes with AAOI for environmental ecosystem in the Southern/Antarctic Ocean *Mikio Naganobu (NRIFSF), Masafumi Yagi (Tokay Univ.), Kunio Kutsuwada (Tokai Univ.)

Poster presentations (Core time: 16:30 - 18:00)

Place : Entrance Hall (1st floor) at National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)

IGp1 Study of surface mass balance of Shirase Glacier as revealed by 2002 to 2014 GRACE satellite gravity data *Keiko Yamamoto (JAXA), Yoichi Fukuda (Kyoto Univ.)
2002-2014年のGRACE衛星重力データを用いたしらせ氷河の表面質量収支の研究 *山本圭香(JAXA)、福田洋一(京大)
IGp2 Reconstruction of the East Antarctic ice sheet variability during the last 3 Ma: A perspective for future JARE expeditions at the central & eastern Droning Maud Land *Yusuke Suganuma (NIPR), Jyun'ichi Okuno (NIPR)
過去300万年間における東南極氷床高度変動の復元:ドローニング・モード・ランド中・東部における南極地域観測計画 *菅沼悠介(極地研)、奥野淳一(極地研)
IGp3 Intermediate depth ice coring and related observations in 2015/2016 on the coastal region of Antarctic ice sheet. *Kenji Sudo (SOKENDAI)
第57次南極地域観測隊による氷床沿岸でのアイスコア中層掘削と周辺観測の計画について *須藤健司(総研大)
IGp4 Chemical compositions of soluble aerosols in the inland Antarctic ice cores over the last termination *Ikumi Oyabu (NIPR), Yoshinori Iizuka (ILTS), Eric Wolff (BAS), and Margareta Hansson (Stockholm Univ.)
最終退氷期の南極内陸における水溶性エアロゾルの化学組成 *大藪幾美(極地研)、飯塚芳徳(低温研)、Eric Wolff(BAS)、Margareta Hansson(Stockholm Univ.)
IGp5 Interannual Variation of Surface Wind Field over the Southern Ocean *Masafumi Yagi (Tokai Univ), Kunio Kutsuwada (Tokai Univ), Mikio Naganobu (NRIFSF)