ArCS II outreach team joined “2021 Equinox Polar Share-a-thon” organized by Polar Educators International (PEI)
ArCS II outreach team joined the 2021 Equinox Polar Share-a-thon,
a science event held on September 22-23, organized by Polar Educators International (PEI) under the objective of Priority subject 2. PEI is an important network for educators and researchers that aims to provide deeper understanding of polar science to people worldwide.
This event ran a 24-hour online movie that contains various talks and videos on science, art, and education produced by researchers, indigenous people, and educators to congratulate the network of polar education. ArCS II produced a video in English titled “Let’s get to know about the Arctic and the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II !” to introduce “Secret of the Arctic”, a booklet for kids, and an Activity Map of the ArCS II.
The video “Let’s get to know about the Arctic and Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II !”
*Click to start the video on the other tab.