ArCS Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II

Snow/Ice Observation in Qaanaaq 2024
ArCS II News Letter No.8
International Early Career Researchers Program Report
The frontiers of Arctic Research
ArCS II Activity Map

ArCS II Information


Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II

ーTowards a New Horizon of Arctic Researchー

The Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II (ArCS II) is a national flagship project for Arctic research and a successor to the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS) project that operated from fiscal 2015 to 2019. The project will take place over approximately four and a half years, from June 2020 to March 2025, primarily through the collaboration of three institutions: the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and Hokkaido University.
See each content or the brochure for detailed information of the project.