Arctic Researchers Networking Program
Corresponding to the joint statement of the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) held in Tokyo in May 2021, which specifically emphasized the importance of strengthening capacity building, education, and networking, three new programs are implemented from FY2022 to accelerate the “capacity building and networking” and “collaboration with Arctic indigenous peoples’ organizations”.
Call for Application for ArCS II International Early Career Researchers Program
We will recruit a wide range of international early career researchers from both Arctic and non-Arctic countries who are engaged in the Arctic research, and employ or accept them at universities or research institutions in Japan. In this way, we aim to support the research of international early career researchers, stimulate mutual exchange between the Arctic researchers in Japan and international early career researchers, and strengthen the cooperative structure for international joint research.
Successful Applicants
Title |
Host Researcher |
Institute |
Period |
Remarks |
Biological Darkening over the Qaanaaq ice cap (BDQ) |
Yukihiko Onuma |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
January 28, 2024 – March 31, 2024 |
Activity Reports |
Study of ion outflow in the Arctic upper atmosphere |
Yasunobu Ogawa |
National Institute of Polar Research |
January 4, 2024 – March 31, 2025 |
Activity Reports |
Support for Early Career Participants in International Symposiums
We will support the participation and presentation of early career researchers from Japan and abroad, including those from Arctic local and indigenous communities, in international symposiums or other events held in Japan. This will contribute to strengthen exchanges among early career researchers and expand the Arctic research community.
Successful Applicants
Category |
Name |
Institute |
Abstract Title |
Domestic |
Zarina Bikmullina |
Hokkaido University |
Long-term degradation of petroleum in Arctic tundra soils |
Domestic |
Mayuko Otsuki |
Hokkaido University |
Working together with local communities to understand changes in the coastal environment and their impact on society in Inglefield Bredning, northwestern Greenland
Domestic |
Kyoma Yahara |
Kobe University |
Evaluation of black carbon in the Arctic region using the WRF/CMAQ simulation on the Northern Hemisphere scale
Domestic |
Yuri Fukai |
Hokkaido University |
Characteristics of autumn diatom communities in the Chukchi Sea unraveled by combined DNA metabarcoding and scanning electron microscope techniques |
Support for APECS Asia-Pacific (APECS-AP)
In relation to the Arctic research activities related to the APECS Asia-Pacific (APECS-AP) to be newly established in FY2022 (*), we will conduct observation events using research vessels and other research infrastructures based on proposals from early career researchers. By doing so, we aim to strengthen capacity building of early career researchers in Japan and abroad, develop their careers, expand exchanges, and enhance Japan’s international presence.
* APECS-AP was not finally established in this project, but support was provided for early career researchers in collaboration with APECS.
Successful Applicants
Name |
Country |
Affiliation |
Theme |
Report |
Takahito Ikenoue |
Japan |
Quantification of the microplastic inventory in the waters of the western Arctic Ocean and microplastic influx from the Pacific Ocean |
Tsubasa Kodaira |
Japan |
The University of Tokyo |
Observation of air-sea-wave-ice interaction over the Pacific Arctic region |
Colin Kremer |
US |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Investigating the physical and ecophysiological basis of fall phytoplankton blooms in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas |
Eva Silva Lopes |
Portugal |
Exploring microplankton interactions and their functional roles in a changing Arctic Ocean |
Kohei Matsuno |
Japan |
Hokkaido University |
Possibility of the expanding distribution in plankton and fishes associated with sea ice reduction in the pacific sector of Arctic Ocean |
Zhangxian Ouyang |
US |
University of Delaware |
Better understanding of climate-driven changes of biogeochemical dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean via R/V Mirai 2023 Cruise: A perspective of stable carbon isotope |
Alix Rommel |
UK |
University of St Andrews |
Determining the contribution of siphonophores to mesopelagic backscatter in the Arctic |
Kazutoshi Sato |
Japan |
Kitami Institute of Technology |
Changes in clouds and aerosols over the ice-free Arctic Ocean |
Marika Takeuchi |
UK |
National Oceanography Centre |
Simultaneous measurements of marine aggregates and turbulence using optic systems and YODA profiler to understand the effect of turbulence on marine aggregate formation |
Lisa Winberg von Friesen |
Denmark |
University of Copenhagen |
Nitrogen Fixation in a Changing Arctic Ocean: An Overlooked Source of Nitrogen? |
Amanda Ziegler |
Norway |
UiT The Arctic University of Norway |
A multi-biomarker approach for quantifying vertical and spatial changes in sinking organic matter quality and assimilation into benthos |
Elizabeth Fine *Boarding scheduled for FY2024 |
US |
Arctic microstructure, plankton, and nutrient flux observations |