Report on IASC AWG at ASSW 2024
Reported by: Yutaka TOBO (NIPR), Masakazu YOSHIMORI (University of Tokyo)
Related Research Program: Atmosphere, Teleconnection
The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Atmosphere Working Group (AWG) meeting (composed of open and closed sessions) was held both in person (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) and online on 22 March 2024. As for participants of the in-person meeting from Japan, Yutaka Tobo (National Institute of Polar Research/AWG Member) and Masakazu Yoshimori (University of Tokyo/AWG Member) attended both the open and closed sessions, and Jun Inoue (National Institute of Polar Research) joined the open session, respectively.
In the open session, each participant gave a self-introduction first, and Gijs de Boer (USA, the IASC AWG Chair) led the meeting and introduced the AWG fellows in 2023 (Rémy Lapere (France)) and 2024 (Patrik Winiger (Switzerland)). The AWG fellows gave presentations for their research interests and described how they would like to contribute to the AWG activities. Then, the PIs of the AWG-related projects in 2023/2024 (12 activities in total) reported their activities. For example, Julia Schmale (Switzerland) reported the activities of the GreenFjord project that has been performed in the Southern Greenland and introduced the participation of international collaborators including the Japan team (Tobo and his colleagues) in the last summer’s field campaign. In the final part of the open session, the Chair and participants discussed the AWG engagement with the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV). In this part, we reported that Yoshimori and Tobo were involved in the ICARP IV process as members of “Research Priority Team 1: The Role of the Arctic in the Global System” and “Research Priority Team 7: Technology, Infrastructure, Logistics, and Services”, respectively.
In the closed session, the AWG members evaluated the allocation of the AWG-related funding in 2024-2025 (an AWG-Only Proposal and Cross-Cutting Proposals).