Priority Subject 2 : Strategic Dissemination of Arctic Information
The Subject 2 is to provide domestic and international stakeholders with the latest scientific knowledge and research findings, such as the present and future projection of the Arctic environment, its social impact, and legal policy responses to assist in the establishment of international regulations, that were obtained through Research Programs conducted under the four Strategic Goals. This will finally contribute to the Project’s Goal by providing an information infrastructure to support social implementation trials. To achieve this objective, we will pursue the following four initiatives:
Arctic Environmental Information Website
We will develop and operate a portal site that will work for Japan’s comprehensive information platform on the Arctic issues.
This website will collect and disseminate information on the progress and research findings from the ArCS II project, the latest findings and news on the Arctic from all over the world, as well as provide the latest information on Arctic-related legal policy and economic trends to a variety of stakeholders from an integrated, comprehensive perspective.
Arctic Sea Ice Information Center
Arctic Sea Ice Information Center will further improve the dissemination of midterm Arctic sea ice forecast produced under the ArCS project.
To provide midterm and short-term Arctic sea ice forecast, short-term wave forecast (Strategic Goal 2), and hazard mapping of oil spill in ice-covered sea and navigation simulation (Strategic Goal 3), we will operate the Center as an information hub for stakeholders in close collaboration with the Strategic Goals and Research Programs.
We will prepare and disseminate forecast information critical for the use of Arctic sea routes to stakeholders, review its effectiveness, and provide feedbacks to researchers in order to develop a quick and efficient method for social implementation.
Promotion of Education and Outreach
In order to communicate the latest knowledge and information on the Arctic climate and environmental changes to adults and the younger generation, we will promote diverse education and outreach activities to make more people get interested in global environmental issues including the Arctic.
Dispatch of Experts and Provision of Information to/Dialog with Policymakers
We will send experts to the Arctic Council (AC) and other specialist meetings and working groups to gather and disseminate the latest information related to the Arctic region. The researchers of International Politics and Policy Dialogue Working Group will analyze information in order to regularly deliver feedback to policy makers.
By providing timely information and advice from this project as a think-tank for the Arctic issues, we will eventually contribute to the formulation of Japan’s Arctic policy.