Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How is the NIPR library’s collection organized?
  • Books and pamphlets are shelved by Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) call numbers, as listed in the document at this link (PDF135KB). Maps of the polar regions are shelved by call numbers based on longitude/latitude. Periodicals are shelved in alphabetical order by their titles. Japanese periodicals are shelved separately. Titles in other languages are transliterated into the Roman alphabet. Please consult the library staff for more details.
Cases Rules Examples
Article (sentence beginning) Ignore 「The leading edge」→「Leading edge」
Abbreviation Shelved in initial position of alphabetical order ①ANARE research notes ②Acta Antartica Ecuatoriana …
Annual reports / Bulletins Shelved by organization name 「Annual report / Geological Survey of Norway」→「NGU annual report」
「Bulletin / Grønlands geologiske undersøgelse」→「Grønlands geologiske undersøgelse bulletin」
Chinese language periodicals ①Shelved by English titles 「地球学报」→「Acta geoscientia sinica」
②Shelved by pinyin 「地层学杂誌」→「dicengxue zazhi」
Non-alphabet periodicals Shelved by transliterated titles 「Природа」→「Priroda」
  • Can I borrow the NIPR library’s books?
  • Because our collection is irreplaceable, the library does not lend any materials to individuals not affiliated with NIPR. You may apply to have NIPR library items loaned to your university or institutional library for in-house access only. For details, please contact your library.
  • What kind of materials are in the rare books area? How do I access these?
  • This room contains original materials related to Antarctic exploration from the 1910s, exchange documents from the parties to the Antarctic Treaty, and other valuable materials. These are not available for inter-library loan. To access these, please use the application form. To copy these materials, please ask the library staff.
  • I want to use the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Library.
  • The NIPR library’s floor is shared with the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) library. As you come through the entrance, the ISM library is on the right and the NIPR library is on the left. ISM library books are on shelves marked with yellow tags, and NIPR library books are on shelves marked with blue tags. For more details, please visit the ISM library website.
  • Can I visit the NIPR library?
  • Anyone can browse the collection during regular open hours. If you wish to visit the library as part of a group, or if you want a guided tour by library staff, please apply in advance through the NIPR Public Relations Office.