The 15th Symposium on Polar Science (3 – 5 December 2024)

Oral sessionPoster session

Interdisciplinary Session
[ID] Polar Data Science


This session invites presentations on data-related activities associated with polar science. It aims to cover a wide range of topics, including the current status and future prospects of open data and open science under the FAIR principle, challenges currently faced, and the functionalities required in databases and data systems. We are particularly interested in recent research that applies “data science” to polar regions. This encompasses a wide variety of techniques and approaches, such as data-centric science, big data analysis, machine learning, data mining, cloud computing, and data assimilation, among others. This session seeks to advance future endeavors, such as interdisciplinary projects and new research collaborations that utilize multidisciplinary datasets. Additionally, it aims to highlight how polar data science can contribute to global data initiatives, offering unique perspectives from the poles.

Conveners : Masaki Kanao, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Kunio Takahashi, Jun‘ichi Okuno, Masayoshi Kozai, Naohiko Hirasawa, and Akira Kadokura, (NIPR/ROIS-DS)

Oral presentations (10:00 – 12:00, 13:30 – 15:30)

Room: Seminar room (C301)
Date: Thu. 5 December

Chair: Masaki Kanao (NIPR/ROIS-DS)
IDo1 10:00 - 10:20 The Principles of the ISC Data Collection, Management, Protection, and Distribution *Dmitry A. Storchak (International Seismological Centre), James Harris (International Seismological Centre), Ryan Gallacher (International Seismological Centre)
IDo2 10:20 - 10:40 Activities of the Polar Environment Data Science Center of ROIS-DS: Current status and future perspective *Akira Kadokura (ROIS-DS), Masaki Kanao (ROIS-DS/NIPR), Yoshimasa Tanaka (ROIS-DS/NIPR), Kunio Takahashi (ROIS-DS/NIPR), Jun'ichi Okuno (ROIS-DS/NIPR), Masayoshi Kozai (ROIS-DS)
IDo3 10:40 - 11:00 Release of the AMIDER Website: Cross-disciplinary Research Database for Polar Science *Masayoshi Kozai (ROIS-DS), Yoshimasa Tanaka (NIPR/ROIS-DS), Shuji Abe (Kyushu University), Yasuyuki Minamiyama (NII), Atsuki Shinbori (Nagoya University), Akira Kadokura (ROIS-DS)
IDo4 11:00 - 11:20 New applications of machine learning technologies within the Australian Antarctic Data Centre *Johnathan Kool (Australian Antarctic Division), Byeong Kang (University of Tasmania), Muhammad Bilal Amin (University of Tasmania), Wenli Yang (University of Tasmania), Mira Park (University of Tasmania), Michael Griffiths (Australian Antarctic Division), Rob Jennings (Australian Antarctic Division)
IDo5 11:20 - 11:40 Polar data and local, regional, and international initiatives -- what’s next (for action) Chantelle Verhey (World Data System)
IDo6 11:40 - 12:00 Beyond Data: What About Openness and FAIRness of Polar Sciences Samples? Rorie Edmunds (DataCite)
    Lunch Break
Chair: Jun’ichi Okuno (Lunch Break/ROIS-DS)
IDo7 13:30 - 13:50 EU-PolarNet2 White Paper with 80 recommendations for strengthening international collaborative Polar observations *Gael Lymer (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), Serge Scory (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) 
IDo8 13:50 - 14:10 Bi-directional Neural Network for Polar Weather Forecasting *V Sakthivel Samy (National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research Goa), Veena Thenkanidiyoor (National Institute of Technology Goa)
IDo9 14:10 - 14:30 A comparison of manual and automatic methods for the detection of geological features within large 3D seismic data *Musa Siphiwe Manzi (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), Gordon Cooper (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)
IDo10 14:30 - 14:50 Wave attenuation in land-fast ice of varying ice thickness *Takuji Waseda (The University of Tokyo), Takehiko Nose (The University of Tokyo), Kazutaka Tateyama (Kitami Institute of Technology), Ryosuke Uchiyama (The University of Tokyo), Kohei Mikami (The University of Tokyo), Yukihide Ishiyama (The University of Tokyo), Tsubasa Kodaira (The University of Tokyo), Takenobu Toyota (Hokkaido University)
IDo11 14:50- 15:10 Design of Antarctic Penetrator Network Observations Based on Icequake Analysis and Its Application to Planetary Seismic Observations *Yasuhiro Nishikawa (Kochi University of Technology), Satoshi Tanaka (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA), Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology), Kodai Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology), Takamasa Hiratsuka (Kochi University of Technology)
IDo12 15:10 - 15:30 Detection of surface environmental variations using infrasound waves and their migrated sources in the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica *Masaki Kanao (NIPR/ROIS-DS), Takahiko Murayama (Japan Weather Association), Masa-Yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology), Yoshiaki Ishihara (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Dan Muramatsu (Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Makiko Iwakuni (Japan Weather Association), Mami Nogami (Japan Weather Association)

Poster presentations (Core time: 16:00 – 17:00)

Room: Atrium (1st floor)
Date: Thu. 5 December

IDp1 Last interglacial ice volume deduced from the worldwide database of relative sea-level and numerical modelling Jun’ichi Okuno (NIPR/ROIS-DS)
IDp2 Developing an inventory of ice-marginal lake over Antarctic Ice Sheet *Shuntaro Hata (ILTS, Hokkaido University), Moto Kawamata (Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, Public Works Research Institute), Tsutomu  Yamanokuchi (Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan), Kazuki Nakamura (College of Engineering, Nihon University), Yuichi Aoyama (National Institute of Polar Research), Takanobu Sawagaki (Faculty of Social Sciences, Hosei University), Akihisa Hattori (Geography and Crustal Dynamics Research Center, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan), Jun'ichi Okuno (NIPR/ROIS-DS)
IDp3 Development of logger onboard the Antarctic penetrator and evaluation of trial operation *Takamasa Hiratsuka (Kochi University of Technology), Satoshi Tanaka (JAXA), Masa-Yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology), Yasuhiro Nishikawa (Kochi University of Technology), Kodai Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
IDp4 Development and publication of an online database of Antarctic microbial strain catalogs and genome information *Masaharu Tsuji (National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College), Takuya Kobayashi (National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College), Jun-ichi Ishihara (Chiba University), Atsushi Toyoda (National Institute of Genetics), Yasuhiro Tanizawa (National Institute of Genetics), Sakae Kudoh (NIPR)
IDp5 Data analysis of cosmogenic nuclide Be-7 in Iceland and an approach for dataset construction *Hirohisa Sakurai (Yamagata University), Fuyuki Tokanai (Yamagata University), Mirei Takeyama (Yamagata University), Toru Moriya (Yamagata University), Akira Kadokura (ROIS-DS), Masayoshi Kozai (ROIS-DS), Bjornsson Gunnlaugur (Iceland University)
IDp6 First step of anomaly detection on PMPL Images at Syowa Station, Antarctica based on Generative AI *Kazue Suzuki (Meiji Univ.), Kei Nakamitsu (Meiji Univ.), Masanori Yabuki (RISH, Kyoto Univ.), Naohiko Hirasawa (NIPR), Kazuyuki Nakamura (Meiji Univ.)
IDp7 Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic  and construction of their data library *Keiichiro Hara (Fukuoka Univ.), Hiroshi Kobayashi (Yamanashi Univ.), Masanori Yabuki (Kyoto Univ.), Kiyoshi Matsumoto (Yamanashi Univ.), Seiji Koga (AIST), Yayoi Inomata (Kanazawa Univ.), Naohiko Hirasawa (NIPR), Masahiko Hayashi (Fukuoka Univ.)
IDp8 Introduction of Antarctic meteorology and climate data - Meteorology, Glaciology and Satellite - Naohiko Hirasawa (NIPR/ROIS-DS), Keiichiro Hara (Fukuoka University), Fumio Nakazawa (NIPR), *Masaki Okada (NIPR)