Reported by: Natsuhiko OTSUKA (Hokkaido University)
Related research program: Arctic Sea Routes
The 2nd biannual meeting of the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) 2020 was held online from 23-25 September 2020. The agenda included activity report of the ongoing project, matters to be reported to the next SAO (Senior Arctic Officials) meeting in October 2020, proposals for projects and activities in the PAME 2021-2023 work plan, and various reports to be submitted to the Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting in May 2021 were deliberated.
In the field of Marine Protected Areas, WWF presented on its “Arctic Ocean Network of Priority Areas for Conservation (ArcNet)” and noted its interest to connect ArcNet with the work ongoing in PAME.
In the field of Invasive Species, a proposal for Work Plan 2021-2023 as successor project was requested. Denmark informed PAME of a project proposal focusing on improving the knowledge base for work to be done jointly with CAFF on the transfer of marine invasive species by ships e.g., through ballast water and biofouling.
In the field of Arctic Marine Shipping, which promotes the safe and sustainable use of shipping in the Arctic Ocean, discussed cooperation with international organizations, shipping measures in the Arctic Ocean, protection of the environment with the indigenous people along the Arctic Ocean, and the development of infrastructure and transportation systems in the Arctic Ocean.
In the field of Arctic Offshore Resource Exploration and Development, PAME approved the final draft of Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Marine Activities (MEMA) Reference Guide and the book was recommended to be translated into each country’s language and provided to many AC members and Arctic societies.
In the field of Ecosystem Approach to Management, it was noted that the plan to produce reports toward 2024 with more emphasis on impacts of human activities on the Central Arctic Ocean ecosystem.
In the field of Development of a Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in the Arctic, research outcome of the desktop study on marine litter included microplastics was presented.
In terms of observer state’s movement, India had been invited to make a presentation at PAME I-2021 on its Arctic interests, including with respect to shipping.