Report on The 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly
Reported by Hiroyuki ENOMOTO (NIPR)
The 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly was held in Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center in Reykjavík, Iceland on 13-16 October. More than 2000 participants attended over 200 sessions, Receptions, and other Networking Events. The 2022 Assembly covered topics such as the future of Arctic security, peace and prosperity, new and updated Arctic strategies, and a rapidly melting region.
(The above report was cited from Arctic Circle Official Website )
The dominant topics were about social science and policy, and less about natural science, however there were still the social context that drives natural science, science and diplomacy in the context of natural science activities and Arctic Ocean governance.
The Convention on the Transfer of Commercial Fishing Restrictions in the Central Arctic Ocean and the Scientific Research Plan, the history of scientist-led long-term aurora and geomagnetic observations in Iceland with respect to Japan, and the Chinese aurora observatory with significant state involvement and prospects for its future effective use, as well as the Funders Forum, starting with the Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM), an introduction to the activities of the EU and The 4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV), a long-term initiative for Arctic science. A panel with the participation of European dignitaries, moderated by former Icelandic President Grímsson and dialogue, was organized uniquely by the Arctic Circle Assembly. The topics of discussion also included the struggles, successes and future challenges of prior activities with regard to indigenous peoples’ activities and gender balance.