Report on IASC MWG at ASSW 2023
Reported by Takashi KIKUCHI (JAMSTEC), Michiyo KAWAI (TUMSAT)
Related research program: Ocean
The IASC Marine Working Group (MWG) meeting was held on February 19, 2023 (Sun) during ASSW 2023 in a hybrid format at the University of Vienna and online. From Japan, Takashi Kikuchi (JAMSTEC; Vice-chair of the MWG) participated onsite and Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) participated online. In addition, Mariko Hatta and Yuanxin Zhang (both JAMSTEC) participated onsite as observers. The number of participants was about 40 onsite and 10 online.
As in previous years, we had reports of the progress of MWG activities and discussed the future plan. Of special note this year was a discussion on the linkage and implementation in the Arctic with the global ocean initiatives, such as the UN Decade for Ocean Science (UNDOS), and the proposal for an Arctic GOOS Regional Alliance (GRA). There are many issues that require coordination with existing activities and funding, and these will continue to be discussed. Note that it is later decided for Kikuchi to join the Arctic GRA task team and contribute to GRA documentation and discussions. The strategic plan of the MWG was also discussed. Based on the report of the workshop held in Copenhagen in November 2022, the MWG will continue to address this issue as well.
In relation to Japanese activities, Dr. Lisa Winberg von Friesen (Denmark), who is a Fellow of the 2023 IASC MWG, mentioned in her presentation that she will be aboard R/V Mirai 2023 Arctic cruise as a successful applicant of the ECS call for the cruise. Researchers from Norway and the U.K. also expressed their appreciation for the fact that they are able to join R/V Mirai 2023 Arctic cruise as a result of the ECS call. The IASC MWG will cover the travel expenses for one ECS to join the cruise, which will be provided to a Ph.D. student who plans to participate.
As for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the MWG, Heidi Kassens (Germany) will continue to serve as Chair, and Kikuchi (Japan) and Karen Frey (USA) will serve as Vice-Chairs. The next MWG meeting will be held in the fall, and the schedule will be decided after further coordination.