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Participation in the 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference

Overseas Fellowship Program Participant: FY2022 First Call Short-Term Program
Mahiro Sasage (Hokkaido University)

I participated in the International Ice Core Conference: 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference (IPICS) held in Crans-Montana, Switzerland from October 2 to October 8, 2022. At IPICS, the latest research results were presented by ice core researchers from all over the world, and it was a great opportunity to learn about ice core research in various fields such as drilling techniques, chemical analysis, physical analysis, and modeling research. I was able to broaden my research horizons.

I presented on the dating of SE-Dome ice core drilled in southeast Greenland. Although I struggled to present in English for the first time, overseas researchers pointed out minor variations in the analytical data, which helped me to deepen my research considerations.

Poster presentation

I was also able to interact with doctoral students and professors from overseas during the coffee break, which is a unique feature of international conferences, and I spent a very meaningful time with them, which increased my motivation for my research. In addition, excursions were held during the conference to the Aletsch Glacier and the Gorner Glacier. I was captivated by the spectacular scenery that can only be seen in Switzerland, and even though it was October, the temperature around the glaciers was so high that I was sweating just by moving a little, which gave me an opportunity to feel a sense of urgency about climate change.

Interaction with overseas doctor students during the break time
Aletsch Glacier terminus visited during the excursion

Finally, I’m very grateful for such a wonderful opportunity. I would like to thank for the support of the Overseas Fellowship Program.