Interdisciplinary sessions
[IA] Rapid Change of the Arctic Climate System and its Global Influences -New research results from GRENE Arctic Climate Change Research project, 2015-
The Green Network of Excellence (GRENE) Arctic Climate Change Research Project “Rapid change of the Arctic climate system and its global influences” have reached the fifth year of the project. The obtained results at the final year of the project will be presented to promote discussion among the principal investigators and co-researchers of the project, and all scientists who have an interest in Arctic climate research. Besides the research results of the project, which would be the basis of the discussion in the special session on the outcomes for the strategic research targets of the project, the related research results on Arctic climate change will be expected.
Date : Thursday. 19 November
Place : 2F Auditorium, National Institute of Polar Research
Conveners : Kumiko Takata (NIPR/NIES), Yuji Kodama (JCAR office, NIPR) and Takashi Yamanouchi (NIPR)
Co-organizer : Japan Consortium for Arctic Environment Research (JCAR)