Special Session
[S] Warming in the Arctic and Its Influences – GRENE Arctic Climate Change Research Project and the Next New Directions
"Arctic Climate Change Research Project (FY2011-2015)" within the framework of the Green Network of Excellence Program (GRENE) is now in the final year. As a result of the implementation of the project, clear messages to the community and society, “what could be concluded as a whole,” are requested, with the central axis in the Arctic warming and its influences. The project is composed of 7 bottom-up Research Themes, requested to create new research outcomes (answers) resulted for the 4 strategic research targets, set by MEXT at the funding. The presentations of the central results for the outcomes will be invited.
Then, the new directions of the next Arctic research projects will be introduced, following the recent national and international circumstances of the Arctic research.
Finally, panel is set to discuss the Arctic warming amplification and impacts to the mid-latitude, which are the prominent topics of the GRENE project.
Introduction of the session and the project
Ⅰ: Report from Research Themes (answers to the Strategic Research Targets)
Ⅱ: Direction of the new research projects
Ⅲ: Panel discussions on “Arctic warming amplification and impacts to the mid-latitude”
(Whole parts are composed of invited talks only)
Date : Wednesday 18 November.
Place : 2F Auditorium, National Institute of Polar Research
Conveners : Takashi Yamanouchi (NIPR), Kumiko Takata (NIPR/NIES), and Hiroyuki Enomoto (NIPR)