The Ninth Symposium on Polar Science (4 – 7 December 2018)

Oral sessionPoster session

Interdisciplinary session
[IF] Toward Future Plan of the Arctic and Antarctic Science


This session will be a forum to discuss the scientific program and the framework of the future integrated multidisciplinary study focused on the polar regions, and to consider how a large-scale science plan for Polar Science should be formulated. The focus of the discussion will be on the preparation of the Master Plan 2020, which will be announced by the Science Council of Japan.
The changes in the polar regions are essential for future projection of the Earth system. The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheet holds most of ice and is the largest fresh water reservoir on the Earth, which is equivalent to about 70 m height of sea level. Moreover, dense seawater is produced in the polar regions and formed bottom water that drives the thermohaline circulation. Changes in the thermohaline circulation are considered to be a large impact on global environment. Therefore, the polar regions are the key components that control global climate and sea level changes. However, the polar regions are still poorly unknown components in the Earth system and the systematic various field of scientific observations is required. From such background, the convener believe that the polar science is one of the important topics which should be proposed to the Master Plan 2020.

Conveners : Takuji Nakamura, Tetsuo Sueyoshi, and Yoshifumi Nogi (NIPR)
Note: [J] represents a talk in Japanese.

Oral presentations (16:00 – 17:50)

Date : Thu. 6 Dec.
Place : 2F Auditorium, National Institute of Polar Research

Chair: Tetsuo Sueyoshi (NIPR)
16:00 - 16:20 Schedule of the Master Plan 2020 by Science Council of Japan *Takuji Nakamura (NIPR), Yoshifumi Nogi (NIPR)
16:20 - 16:40 [J] Potentiality of development for integrated geology and paleoceanography science in polar oceans *Minoru Ikehara (Kochi University), Masanobu Yamamoto (Hokkaido University), Naomi Harada (JAMSTEC), Yusuke Suganuma (NIPR), Takuya Itaki (AIST)
16:40 - 17:00 Mass balance study on the Greenland ice sheet *Teruo Aoki (Okayama University, Meteorological Research Institute, National Institute of Polar Research), Masashi Niwano (Meteorological Research Institute), Kumiko Goto-Azuma (National Institute of Polar Research, SOKENDAI), Hideki Miura (National Institute of Polar Research, SOKENDAI), Jun’ichi Okuno (National Institute of Polar Research, SOKENDAI), Tetsuo Sueyoshi (National Institute of Polar Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Ralf Greve (Hokkaido University), Ayako Abe-Ouchi (University of Tokyo)
17:00 - 17:20 [J] Sea level rise caused by ice sheet melt *Takeshi Tamura (NIPR)
17:20 - 17:50 [J] Future Plan of the Polar Science *Yoshifumi Nogi (NIPR), Tetsuo Sueyoshi (NIPR), Takuji Nakamura (NIPR)

Poster presentations (Core time: 13:00 - 14:00)

Place : Entrance Hall (1st floor) at National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)

IFp1 "Terra-Astronomy": multi-disciplinary studies with Antarctic Ice cores and Numerical Simulations *Yuko Motizuki (RIKEN), Kazuya Takahashi (RIKEN), Yoichi Nakai (RIKEN), Satoshi Wada (RIKEN), Kazuho Horiuchi (Hirosaki University), Fusa Miyake (Nagoya University), Hideaki Motoyama (NIPR), Hideharu Akiyoshi (NIES), Takashi Imamura (NIES), Kunihiko Kodera (MRI)