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International Affairs and Research Development Office

Our goal is to develop international research collaborations and research activity and output

Director Satoshi Imura

Based on the analysis of domestic and international research activities, this office draw up the plan of the international strategies of administration, develop research collaboration, and intensify the research activity and output.

To intensify research activity and output

As an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, the National Institute of Polar Research is required to intensify research activities in a way similar to that of universities. Created in April of 2018, the International Affairs and Research Development Office has research administrators who work in close cooperation with the head office of the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS). This office aims to reinforce research activities as secretariat of the “Research Strategy Meeting” chaired by the Director General. This office works to strengthen both international research cooperation and publicity, build research strategies, and increase the research budget. NIPR's polar observations and related international collaboration will be used to intensify research and foster the next generation of young scientists.

Project for Promoting the Reinforcement of Research Universities and URAs

From FY 2013, the ROIS has participated in the “Project for Promoting the Reinforcement of Research Universities.” The aforementioned project aims to enhance the research capabilities of our country through the reinforcement of its research institutions. This project also supports reform of the research environment and the securing of human resources for research management. The ROIS has employed University Research Administrators (URAs) as research management personnel, and has established a URA station at the head office.

Activities of the Research Development Office (RDO)

This office is a team comprising URAs as well as the teaching and administrative staff and expecting to work closely with researchers. The URAs belong to the URA station and work on reinforcing research activities to fulfill the ROIS’s 5- and 10-year targets. This office also cooperates with the Center for Antarctic Programs and the Arctic Environment Research Center to bolster international collaboration, and with the Public Relations Section to strengthen academic public relations. With
URAs, this office works to connect administrations and researchers.

To support the international research collaborations

The office deals specifically with international issues relevant to scientific research in polar regions. Any matters relating to (1) international treaties and conferences, (2) cooperative research and scientific agreements with overseas institutions, and (3) international research exchanges are handled by the Section with the assistance of the International Affairs Committee in NIPR. Because polar research is conducted overseas, international frameworks are indispensable. The office prepares reports on the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition that are required by the Antarctic Treaty in collaboration with governmental bodies and relevant scientists. It also deals with issues and deposits documents relating to CCAMLR as well as various international bodies, such as SCAR, COMNAP, IASC and AFoPS (refer to the figure below for the full names of the acronyms). Currently, NIPR conducts collaborative projects for polar research and logistics by implementing MOUs with overseas polar research institutions and universities. Today, there is a growing need for international exchange among scientists and activation of research, with greater emphasis placed on the globalization of research institutes. The office offers assistance in these areas by working together with relevant organizations and scientists.

ATCM42 (Praha, 2019)

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