All participants are required to register in advance through the Online Meeting System (OMS).
If you are a contributor (either the First Author or Presenter), you must complete your registration before submitting an abstract. Please note that registration for co-authors is not necessary. You can access the ‘Registration Form’ website from the link provided at the bottom of this page.
Once you have completed the registration process, you will need to log in to the ‘Abstract Submission’ form to submit your abstract. Please ensure that the abstract is prepared in accordance with the ‘Guideline for Creating Abstracts’, which is detailed below.
If you intend to submit multiple abstracts, a separate form must be submitted for each one. However, there is no need to register separately for each submission.
The abstract submission deadline is September 6th, 2024.
Please insert a blank line between the title and authors, as well as between the affiliation list and the main text.
Note on Copyright and Usage of Abstracts:
The copyright of the abstract remains with the authors. However, please be aware that the Executive Committee (EC) of the 15th Symposium on Polar Science reserves the right to publish the abstract on the National Institute of Polar Research Repository (NIPR repository) website. Before proceeding with registration, ensure that you have read and agreed to the operating guidelines of the repository. NIPR may also upload the abstracts, allowing participants to freely download them from the symposium website. If requested by the authors, the abstract can be appropriately discarded.
Abstract notice:
Abstracts will be uploaded to the symposium website and will be freely available for download by visitors. They will also be uploaded to an Online Meeting System (OMS), which will be accessible exclusively to registered participants of the symposium. Please proceed with registration only if you consent to this policy.
Below are the available templates for submitting your abstract:
• SampleAbstract.doc: 50K (MS Word Format)
• SampleAbstract.pdf: 30K (PDF Format)
IMPORTANT: If you are working with a file format other than PDF, please ensure that you convert it to, or save it in, PDF format prior to submission.
If you need to convert your documents into PDF files, there are several options available. If you are using Windows 10 or 11, the ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ driver is included by default and can be used for this purpose. Alternatively, you can use free software such as OpenOffice to convert documents into PDF format.
Please use the following link to register and submit abstracts:
After the abstract submission deadline, the Executive Committee (EC) will review all submissions and make final decisions on the acceptance of abstracts. An abstract may be rejected if it is deemed inappropriate for presentation, particularly in the following cases:
• The content significantly deviates from the purpose of the symposium and the designated session.
• The content of the abstract is scientifically unsound or poorly formatted for presentation.
Notifications regarding the acceptance or rejection of the abstracts will be sent via email between late September and early October.