Arctic Challenge for Sustainability Project

ArCS Blog

Report on ArCS online final assembly

At the end of the project, we had a final assembly to share the research results. Initially, the event was scheduled to be held at the Hitotsubashi hall, but was held online in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

On the day, more than 80 people attended from the National Institute of Polar Research, JAMSTEC Yokosuka Headquarters, JAMSTEC Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences, Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus, Hakodate Campus, the University of Tokyo, Nagoya University, National Museum of Ethnology, etc.

First of all, project director Dr. Masao Fukasawa explained the purpose of the assembly, followed by a greeting from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). And then, 8 principal investigators of the International Collaborative Researches presented the outline of the results of each theme, typical achievements, and future tasks. After that, presentations on Establishing research and observation stations, Dispatch of Experts to AC related WGs, Program for Overseas Visits by Young Researchers, and Researches made by using R/V Mirai and other vessels were made.

In the end, project director gave a comment on what to keep in mind in conducting future research activities as a summary.

With the cooperation of the coordinators, presenters and participants at each venue, we were able to proceed the online assembly more smoothly than expected. Thank you to everyone who participated.


One of the venue (NIPR)