ArCS Arctic Challenge for Sustainability Project

Research Station
How to use the facilities

We maintain the research / observation facilities as an infrastructure for international collaborative studies and capacity building.
After clicking on the link on the map, you will go to the website of the Arctic Environment Research Center (AERC), NIPR. Please read the instruction at the destination website and apply for the facilities.

The international collaboration site Facilities
The United States
International Arctic Research Center/University of Alaska (IARC) Office
Poker Flat Research Range (PFRR) Flux super site Observation tower
Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) Accommodation facilities, meeting room, laboratories, field and maintenance building
The Centre d'études Nordiques (CEN) field stations Research stations
Spasskaya Pad Scientific Forest Station Accommodation facilities, Observation tower
Ice Base Cape Baranov research station Accommodation facilities, Observation huts, laboratory
Ny- Ålesund Research Station Accommodation facilities (kitchen, bedroom, wash basin, toilet and shower), observation room, laboratory and storage room.
The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) office Office
Denmark / Greenland
East Greenland Ice Core Project (EGRIP) site Accommodation facilities and equipment for the ice core drilling
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR) Accommodation facilities, meeting room, office, boats, vehicles