National Institute of Polar Research

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Collaborative Research

Technical issues with polar observations and proposed solutions

Resolution of technical issues to support polar observations - part2

Principal Investigator  Hideaki Motoyama

20kw wind turbine installed at Syowa Station

Feedback on research results to the observation sites

To successfully carry out observations in the polar regions, we need to solve a variety of technical issues. We also need to create a safe and efficient environment at the station, which is a platform where expeditionists spend their daily life. In recent years, promoting the introduction of renewable energy and minimizing the use of fossil fuels have also been important. In this project, we set the following themes as the immediate tasks, and are attempting to find solutions by gathering information, developing and testing ideas, and researching ways to provide feedback on the results to the observation sites in polar regions. Themes for the immediate future: 1) proposal of an efficient snow melting method at Syowa Station, 2) research on the smart energy system at Syowa Station, 3) development of an effective sewage treatment method at Syowa Station, 4) solving issues regarding transportation, construction, communication, and sharing information for future inland operations. These challenges will be met proactively by polar researchers and engineers thanks to the collaboration with private companies.

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