Arctic Challenge for Sustainability Project

ArCS Blog

Russia-Japan Workshop on Arctic Research

Long awaited agreements (comprehensive MoU and Agreement on specific cooperative observations) between Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia (AARI) and National Institute of Polar Research, Japan (NIPR) were signed and cooperative observation on black carbon (BC) has been started at Cape Baranova Station (79.27N, 101.75E) as a part of ArCS project in October 2017. At this occasion, two-day workshop on Arctic research (WS) was held together with 5 members from AARI including new director, Dr. Alexander Makarov, and Japanese member from NIPR and other institutions.

On 15, AARI members visited NIPR. Meeting with Director General, Prof. Takuji Nakamura, excursion of the institute and discussions with NIPR members were made in the morning. In the afternoon, as the first day of the WS, as an open session, presentations were given from Russian side and Japanese side as for the activities mainly in the Arctic. Some of the presentations concentrated on the cooperative observations at Cape Baranova (BC observation and possible cooperation on radiosonde observations).

On 19, the second day of the WS was devoted to discussions on actual collaboration at Cape Baranova. Some issues on data transfer and extended radiosonde observations were tabled, and plans for future observations were proposed (stable isotope of precipitation, sea ice and oceanography and ozone sounding). Next steps needed to be held and revision of agreement were discussed.

In the light of long history of Russian Arctic research and importance of observation at Cape Baranova in sparse observation area of the Arctic Ocean, it was a very rare chance to accept the visit of AARI members including director and was worthwhile to held this WS.

Takashi Yamanouchi(NIPR)

Group photo

Tour of NIPR (Laboratory)

About the WS(1)

About the WS(2)

About the WS(3)