Arctic Challenge for Sustainability Project
260Young Researchers Overseas Visit Archive
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Gravity waves generated by a cyclone over the Arctic polar front
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Life in Fairbanks, AK
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: 1st Southern Hemisphere Conference on Permafrost & Post-Conference Field Trip
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Participation in WMMC’19
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: My stay at Potsdam Alfred Wegener Institute
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Grateful days in Bremen: Start-up of ‘Palynochemistry Project’
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Geographical distribution of water bears (Tardigrada) in snow and ice in Arctic region
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Ice Core Analysis Techniques (ICAT) PhD school-2019 and 8th International Ice Drill Symposium at Copenhagen, Denmark
Report of the FY2019 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Olfactory experiments with seabirds in Middleton island, Alaska
Report of the FY2018 program for overseas visits by young researchers: Arctic research seminar in Italy and research activity in the Sakha Republic