Arctic Challenge for Sustainability Project
September 2016 Archive
Seabird study in St. Lawrence Island, Northern Bering Sea
Workshop with Qaanaaq village people (from Qaanaaq 4)
Cyclone over the Arctic Ocean/ Observations on weather, wave height and drops - 5 (MIRAI Arctic cruise 2016: Theme 1)
Deployment of Waves In Ice (WII) Buoys / Observations on weather, wave height and drops - 4 (MIRAI Arctic cruise 2016: Theme 1)
Greenhouse gas observation using commercial airliners
Arctic sea ice information for saving voyage of R/V Mirai / Observations on weather, wave height and drops - 3 (MIRAI Arctic cruise 2016: Theme 1)
Installation of atmospheric greenhouse gases measurements system on research vessel MIRAI (MIRAI Arctic cruise 2016: Theme 3)
Arctic sea ice extent is likely to be the second lowest
Start of oceanographic observations at Bering Sea / Observations on weather, wave height and drops - 2 (MIRAI Arctic cruise 2016: Theme 1)
Investigation of terrestrial ecosystem at Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik, Quebec, Canada (Investigation of terrestrial ecosystem at KW-2)