Arctic Challenge for Sustainability Project

ArCS Blog

Cyclone over the Arctic Ocean/ Observations on weather, wave height and drops - 5 (MIRAI Arctic cruise 2016: Theme 1)

We encountered the developed cyclone along the coast of Barrow in Alaska.

The sea level pressure rapidly dropped, strong wind exceeding 18m/s dominated on R/V Mirai while the cyclone passed.

The sea raged due to strong wind, wave height of ocean exceeded 4m.


To investigate the vertical structure of cyclone, we carried out extra radiosonde observations every 3-hours.

We got valuable data of cyclone over Arctic ocean.


The observations in the Arctic ocean will be finished in a few days.

R/V Mirai has already headed south for Japan.

Kazutoshi Sato (NIPR / A member of Theme 1)

Arctic ocean during the cyclone

Radiosonde ready for release